miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011


I choose to study veterinary when i was sexteen but i don't know what kind of veterinary i wanna be. 
When i was younger (xd) i decided to be a vet because i wanna save life, and to save humans it's not so great like to save animals (for me)  (H)! although sometimes i doubt if  i will can do it right .
For me it's very difficult to type why i wanted or i decided to be a vet because there are so much reason and you can work in lots areas (like animal's production, clinical, celular biology, epidemiology). And honestly i don't know very good that's areas,but epidemiology seems interesting (until now). 

A year ago wanted to go and to be an engineer but one of the reason for continuo here is because i love this faculty, since mundo granja until the pool, I love to see sheep walking near of you, and things like that  you just can see  here =).
Actually i'm sure i made the best decision of staying here.

5 comentarios:

  1. I TENSE choose to study veterinary when i was SP sexteen but i don't know what kind of WF veterinary i wanna be.
    When i was younger (xd) i decided to be a vet because i wanna saveWF life, and to save humans it's not so great like to save animals (for me) (H)! although sometimes i doubt if i will can do it right .
    For me it's very difficult to type why i wanted or i decided to be a vet because there are so WW much reason and you can work in lots areas (like animal's production, clinical, celular biology, epidemiology). And honestly i don't know very good that's areas,but epidemiology seems interesting (until now).

    A year ago wanted to go and to be an engineer but one of the reason for WF continuo here is because i love this faculty, since mundo granja until the pool, I love to see sheep walking near of you, and things like that you just can see here =).
    WW Actually i'm sure i made the best decision of staying here.

    well done! for sure you are in the right place.
    Try to use a bit more connectors between sentences ok?

  2. gabiii your best decision : stay here... or i would be alone D: ...forever alone XD
    i see you tomorrow XDD bye :)

  3. ajajajaj naaataa xD :foreveralone:, but i agree with you (: it was the best choice :D

    greetings, see you tomorrow ^^

  4. gabiii i like your style! your photos are always cool (like the sheeps one)


  5. belieeeeeeve me, i have think about that a lot ._.
