miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Ignacio Idalsoaga

Hello everyone! This time i have to type about who i admire; and so i will  speak about Ignacio Idalsoaga.

Ignacio Idalsoaga is a veterinary and at the same time an successful entrepreneur founder of the first private zoo of Chile known as Buin Zoo . But although now he doesn't work like veterinary, he just works maintaining his zoo . 

I admire him because he has a big entrepreneurship, and was very brave how for dare to build a zoo because it could be a big failure; and he graduated from here (Universidad de Chile) almost thirty years ago,and that's a  big motivation to continuo learning and don't give up because if you try you can be the best veterinary, or like this career permit a big employer or both at the same time.


 Here i put a picture of Ignacio Idalsoaga the best veterinary of the world =D.
 Next to a jaguar

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello everyone! This time i have to * type about who i admire; and so i will speak about Ignacio Idalsoaga.

    Ignacio Idalsoaga is a WF veterinary and at the same time an successful entrepreneur founder of the first private zoo of Chile known as Buin Zoo . But although now he doesn't work like WF veterinary, he just works maintaining his zoo .

    I admire him because he has a big entrepreneurship, and was very brave how for dare to build a zoo because it could be a big failure; and he graduated from here (Universidad de Chile) almost thirty years ago,and that's a big motivation to SP continuo learning and don't give up because if you try you can be the best WF veterinary, or like this career permit a big employer or both at the same time.


    well done! you are absolutely right, he is a very close example.

  2. ajajaajaja doctor zoo!!!
    he is the best
    i love his job and his life XD

  3. Good example of a successful, and good vet.
